Friday, March 20, 2009

Slow And Steady Wins The Race

When first you look upon the burden of the mounting credit card debt, it may (or may not) be a task that seems formidable at best. Just as a beginning runner may look at the course of 26.22 miles for a marathon as un-doable, sometimes it is a matter of taking it one step at a time: perhaps you start by jogging to the end of your driveway, then to the end of the street, then to the end of the next block, and you build on your confidence of doing more and more until a five mile run seems like a walk in the park (pun intended). Such is true with credit card debt.

You can "build your endurance" for eliminating credit card debt. Perhaps, if you are in a deep dependence on a credit card, use the credit card with limits, or use it every other just have to start somewhere. My use curtailed gradually in the months before I ceased using them altogether (with the exception of one department store card that I use every three months or so, but only when I already have the cash to pay for the purchase, but I use the card to help my credit score), I began to use them less. It wasn't because I had developed a "master plan", but as the limits on the cards were reached, I quit using them (not because I wanted to, but there was nothing left to use on the cad). The constant late fees, high interest rates and the beginning cacophony on menacing phone calls all began to wear on the nerves. I finally had to shout (to myself) ENOUGH!! I then quit cold turkey and started using only my checking debit card. If I didn't have enough, I would do without. It is amazing when I look back at how much I wasted. The truth of the matter is that if I can do it, so can you. Read more at my website.

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