Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Belief: The Secret Ingredient

Yesterday, we talked about how a positive mental attitude is a great tool to help you achieve your goal of eliminating your credit card debt. It isn't just a tool that will serve you to achieve that goal, but it can bleed over to any aspect of your life. When studying positive mental attitude in my life, I have noticed one key ingredient:


You have to first believe that you will achieve what you are going to achieve. It may be a goal of losing a certain amount of weight, it may be to have a certain amount of money in your checking account, it may be what we have talked about here at this blog for the past 100+ days, eliminating your credit card debt. There is a saying that goes, "whether you believe you can, or believe you can't, you are right."

It seems that when you believe something, subconsciously you begin to align yourself with actions, habits, and surroundings that will make it more of a reality. For example, if you believe whole-heartedly that you can write a book. you will start to notice how others write their books. You may read more. You may notice an article on ezinearticles.com. Perhaps you submit an article there and you get the idea on what you want your book to be about. You start to keep a notebook about the points that your book will cover. Then you create a rough sketch outline. Then you fill it in. The next thing you know, you have a book on your hands (mine will be available soon at www.money-for-my-life.com ).

You see, you gotta believe, and the rest will "magically" take care of itself. Be careful and do not mistake "like" with "belief". There is a difference between saying "I would like to earn $1,000" and "I believe I will earn $1,000." Can you spot the difference?

Have a GREAT day! Believe in yourself!

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