When I look back at my finances for the past few years, it is realized how much more money I save by not going out to eat for nearly every meal. True, it does save wear and tear on your dishwater and you save on your water, electricity, and gas by not having your dishes or pots and pans to clean, but those savings are eaten up by the interest, the gasoline for your car, time spent getting ready, etc.
We like a good steak once in a while. When money was a little more free-flowing, we would traditionally go out on Monday nights to a steak house that had a special for a steak, salad, and potato (or rice pilaf) for only $15 (including a soda). Basically, $2o when you include the tip and gas to get there. When you do that each and every Monday, it comes to $1,000 a year...for one. Add 20% interest for the credit card, and you have $1,200 per person. And that is for one meal a week.
Now that we eat at home, we can still have a steak (fixed on the barbecue grill) for two with soda for around $7.00. That is a savings of $33 a week or (with interest) $2,059 saved a year. Makes you think about it.
Have a GREAT day!
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