Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Light

I am excited to say that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I know darn well that it is not a train! I started out with $71,779.01 in credit card debt. While the debt hasn't gone away, I have chipped away at some of the problem ones and now have it down from 11 accounts to 4. Two of the accounts are at no interest (hey, "some money is better than no money I told the creditors", and after not being able to collect anything for several years, they concurred).

Part of the change is in my thinking. I used to see just the mountain of debt that I was diligently working on. I was working 70+ hours a week just to keep my head above water. Now, I am focused on building wealth, even though I haven't fully eliminated my credit card debt...yet! I also used to be extremely miserly with my money, but have come to realize that there are people that have it worse than I ever did, so I am sharing out of my abundance.

I have truly been blessed with health (which is improving), family, and employment. Some don't experience that blessing.

Thank you for all that you have done, and keep fighting to keep more of what you make!

Have a great day!

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