Saturday, August 1, 2009

100 Ways to Save Money To Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt

Let's just start a series of 100 ways to save money so that you can have more to pay down your credit card debt. We will start with one of my favorite activities and I know that you participate in this activity (at least play the home version of the game):


In so many ways, eating meals out, or away from home, has been perhaps one of the things that has hurt my finances, not to mention the waist line. Let's gain control of that and save some money in the process. The money you save can be used to pay down your credit card debt. If you are fortunate enough to have no credit card debt, then use it to save for your future.

1. Drink Water - for the most part, water is free. Sure, you would like to have a soda, but when you pay $1.79 for the soda versus $0.00 for water, it makes sense. If you have one meal out a week and you purchase the soda, that would work out (before tax, of course) to be $93.08 a year. Over a 20 year period, that is $1,861.00. Water doesn't leave you thirsty after you drink it, it has no calories, and no preservatives (usually). Drink up!!

2. Purchase with a coupon - You can find coupons in your local paper, online, or in your mailbox. One that is with a restaurant that my wife and I frequent always has a coupon online or in one of the local papers. Right now, it is for $3.99 off an entree when you buy another. Using the same logic as before, you would save $207.48 a year or $4,149.60 for 20 years. Combine that savings with the drink and you would save $6,011.20. Wow!!

There are many more ideas in the book Never Surrender!! that you can use to lower your credit card debt. Get your copy today!
Have a GREAT day!

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