Remember, that if you are having a difficult time finding "extra" money with which to pay down your credit card debt, you can come here as we continue to discover 100 ways to save money. Lately, we have been finding ways to save on gasoline expenses for your car. Let us continue:
21. Straighten Up - Poor tire alignment can save you wear and tear on your tires and cause them to wear out more quickly. It also forces your engine to work harder and decreases your gas mileage. Keep you tires aligned properly and you can save over 20 cents per gallon. You would save $136.36 a year in gas, but you would have to pay, let's say, $79 for your alignment, so the end savings would be $57.36 a year or 1,147.27 over 2o years, assuming 1 alignment per year. Some place offer a lifetime alignment that could save you even more.
22. Clean Up! - Okay, so we are talking about the air filter here. A clean air filter can improve your gas mileage by 10%. With our assumption of being an average driver, you could save $169.77 a years. With air filters running around $10 a pop (surely you could install them yourself and save even more), you could realize a savings of $139.77 a year or $2,795.45 over 20 years (if you changed your air filter every 5,000 miles.
That brings us up to a yearly savings of $3,236.76 and a 20 year savings of $64,735.22. When you are told that little things add up, there is your proof.
Have a GREAT day!
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