Thursday, August 6, 2009

100 Ways to Save Money To Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt, Part V

Numbers 9 & 10 come today. Hopefully, you can come up with some of your own ways to save money so that you can eliminate your credit card debt.

9. If you are going to have a soda when you eat dinner out (sometimes it seems unavoidable), drink a smaller soda and add water to your drink list for dinner - For example, if you were going through the drive through and you usually "Super-size" your meal by paying an extra $0.79, go with the regular and save that $0.79. That doesn't seem like much, but it is an extra $41.08 a year if you eat "drive-through" once a week.

10. Say "No Thank You" To Unnecessary Extended Warranties - For the most part, extended warranties are a great pure-profit stream for many retailers. I work at a home improvement warehouse and, as a cashier, I am required to offer the extended warranties for many items that we sell. A lawn mower, for example, automatically comes with a one-year warranty, but you can get an extension for $49.99-$99.99 (depending on the price of the mower). Usually, if something is going to go wrong with an item it will happen in the first year of purchase. Skip this twice a year and save $99.98 a year or $1.999.60 over 20 years.

This will bring our running total up to $1.897.62 saved in one year, or $37,952.40 for 20 years.

Pretty impressive.

If you want to find ways to forever eliminate your credit card debt, you can check out my book Never Surrender!!. There are plenty of ways to save thousands on your existing credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!

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