Friday, August 14, 2009

100 Ways to Save Money To Pay Down Your Credit Card Debt, Part XIII

Today might not apply to everybody because we could easily name this "Shave and a Haircut". Hair removal for men. It depends on how you wear your hair: cranial or facial.

25. Haircut - Some folks are not adventurous enough to attempt to cut their own hair. My hair style is fairly simple. For the last 20 years, I have always gone to a barber or hair cutting establishment and said "3 on top, 2 on the sides". It has always been a clipper style and I would shell out $18 (on average) a month for this style. I bought a good Oster 76 for $136 last year. After 8 months it had paid for itself, so my first year's savings was$80 and I figure it will last at least 5 years (it will last longer, so in 20 years four will be purchased. Savings minus cost averages out to $188.80 a year or $3776.00 over 20 years. You could save by having your hair done for less at a beauty/barber school.

26. Shaving - This is a little trickier, but I have always shaved at least around a beard or goatee. I figured razor shaving costs to be $70.10 a year. I purchased an electric razor for around $40 (rounded for simplicity), so if the electric razor lasts 2 years it will save on average $50.10 a year: That works out to be $1,002.00 over 20 years. If I bought expensive razors or expensive shaving cream, the savings would have been higher.

With keeping score, the total savings to date are $3,552.49 a year or $70,650.02 over 20 years. Where does all the money go?

Have a GREAT day!

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