Friday, May 8, 2009

24 . . . Hours a Day,

If your thoughts are concerned with eliminating credit card debt, it may seem that is how much time you spend on it a day. That is both a good thing and a bad thing: If you spend all of that time worrying and take no action to get you on the path toward being credit card debt-free, then it is a bad thing. However (and there is always a however in life), if it spurns you to ACTION then it is a good thing. If you do nothing, nothing will change.

It Isn't Going To Happen Overnight!

Chances are that your credit card debt did not magically appear overnight. You were doing fine making your minimum payments, but something may have come up (like an emergency crown for your back molar that, despite insurance, sets you back $514.30) and you may have missed a payment. No big deal, right?


The credit card company will slap you with a $39.99 late fee, plus an interest rate hike (not just a temporary one), plus all of the extra interest. Without conscious effort, it does not get better from there. The time to act is NOW! Contact your credit card companies and ASK for a better rate, STOP using your credit cards, and BEGIN the journey to freedom.

By the way, the running total (on day 24) of the 30 day challenge stands at $128.10, and when I was preparing food for dinner last night, a quick inventory revealed that I could stretch this out for another 30 days and I may just do that.

Keep working, TAKE ACTION, and here's to your success!

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