Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One More To Go

$169.67. That's where we stand. It doesn't seem possible, but the goal is almost here. The check for the extra payment to the credit card company will be mailed on Friday, and it seems great. At the interest rate, it will save me $200 this calendar year.

Always on the lookout for a good value and money saving ideas, we decided not to have our weekly dinner out (at around $20 each for sushi), we decided on leftovers and some food that was around the home. It was difficult because my wife and I really enjoy well-prepared sushi, but when you have your eyes on the prize, instant gratification sort of goes by the wayside.

Unfortunately, if you noticed, this post is about 18 hours later than it is usually put up. There were some storms in the area last night, and the wireless router seems to have been affected, so tonight it is a direct hookup to the cable, and it works fine. Since we have our Internet and phone all in one place (still haven't been able to beat the deal with DirecTV yet). But I do know that phone and Internet through the cable beats the price we were paying for DSL and a phone line. We rarely use the phone line because of cell phones, but it is still nice to have for faxing things.

Keep up the great work, and thanks for the suggestions that you have given us for saving money in order to eliminate credit card debt!

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