Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Bucket List

Yesterday in the training class at my day job, we had a new trainer for the week. As is tradition, there is an ice breaker that gives us a chance to know more about the trainer and for the trainer and the class to learn more about yourself. Yesterday, ours was to create a five item "bucket list", or a list of things that you wanted to accomplish before you "kick the bucket".

One person stated that one of their items was to have more money, at which point, I stood up, walked over to that person and handed them a nickel. I stated that they could now cross that item off their bucket list because they now had more money.

She did.

The problem was that this was not a SMART goal. For those of you familiar with SMART goals, you know that goals need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and with a Time table. If not, they are just wishes. To achieve a goal, you have to know what you are going for. This takes a little bit of time, but it is worth it to have your goals specifically lined out, especially when working toward eliminating debt from your life (at this moment, I have $56,493.23 in debt and I keep several spreadsheet on my laptop to chart the progress).

Have a great day!

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