Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Friday, Are You Free From Credit Card Debt?

If you aren't, perhaps your mindset should be that you are free. Yes, the odds may be stacked against you, but you should never give up in your quest. You may have read about the winner of the lottery who has nothing but heartache and despair since. Winning all that money may have been temporarily great, but he even admitted that he wished he'd "torn that ticket up."

Many of the wealthy people in this world are not the ones who drive the fancy cars, live in the Mc-mansions, or have the $50,000 watch: they are probably quietly living a frugal life, not spending money needlessly and making do with what they have. How are you doing?

Have you sat down and figured out what it is that you are spending your hard-earned money on each month? The time invested in analysis of your finances will probably lead you to the answer of why there is so much month left at the end of your money. If you find yourself sighing after paying your bills and just wishing that perhaps next month will be better, there is some news for you: until you get control of your spending and change to where you look for ways not to waste your money, next month will be the same story.

And the month after.

You MUST have the DESIRE and the DEDICATION to make the change. That is why I wrote Never Surrender!! so that I could solidify MY thinking and actions and help YOU to do so as well. I also write on this blog everyday in an attempt to make a difference for you to be able to succeed. And I know that you have that ability to do so.

Have a GREAT day!

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