Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Saving Money By Buying In Bulk

The whole point of this blog has been to help save money so that you can have more money to pay down your credit card debt and so that you can begin to live your life free from the bonds that credit card companies are so good at trapping you with. One thing that will be mentioned (again) is buying in bulk. You can save tremendous amounts of money if you can purchase certain items in bulk.

We have a dog that likes rawhide bones. Sure, she is noisy when she is attacking the bone, but better the bone than shoes or baseboard. We bought a pack of ten of the bones for around $20. That's $2 a bone. If we purchased them at Target they usually are a pack of three for $9.99. It is worth it to buy a bone that would be bought anyway for $1.33 less. One usually lasts about five days or so. But the last time that I went there, I was going for a cheap lunch of pizza and an Icee for around $3. I happened to notice that tortillas were forty for $4.98. I usually pick them up for $3.02 at the grocery store for a ten-pack. We make our own quesadillas an breakfast burritos so they don't go to waste, I would just rather pay twelve cents for one instead of thirty cents. When you have your mind set on saving money, you will notice these kinds of things.

Have a GREAT day!

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