Monday, July 13, 2009

Saving Money For Credit Card Debt Elimination

Spend less than you make. That's a key phrase that will help you to eliminate your credit card debt, allow you to take a ton of pressure off and give you the opportunity to build wealth in your life. In the last few months, we have explored many ways as to how to accomplish that and some of your letters have been inspirational to me and have served as fodder for some columns. Sometimes, you need to take an inventory and see if things are working out for you or not, and that is what we will spend the next bit of time on.

My goal is to spend as little as possible for the next month and will keep track to allow everybody to see how I am doing. Of course, a little public scrutiny will keep the pressure on (in a good way). Fixed expenses like mortgage and utilities won't be listed, but things like gas, groceries, and other variables will be.

One way in which I saved yesterday was that a fairly big (and late) breakfast was fixed at home so there was only dinner to worry about. I (hangs head in shame) had a drive-through lunch at work and spent $5.50. Since it was late in the day, supper wasn't necessary and sufficed on some popcorn on the porch to cool off before bed.

Money spent: $5.50.

We'll keep track, and have a GREAT day!

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