Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Savings Continued, Now Completing The Third Day

In quest to see how much money was spent in day-to-day activities, we have begun keeping track of some of the non-fixed items to see if there are any ways in which money can be saved. Of course, this is just to take those same savings and apply them toward the debt elimination at hand.

Day three there was money spent. Occasionally one has to replenish the perishable items in the food reserve, and yesterday was no exception. We needed milk, bread, and (hangs head in shame at a vice) Diet Coke. I had stopped by Wal-Mart on the way to work (it isn't out of the way, so no "special trip" was made), but the $4.98 for a case of soda was replaced by $7.13 for the same case of 24. I was not happy about that, so I went to my local grocery store and got it instead (for the same price...). I did find and stock up on the cheese that I liked which is normally $3.28 for $1.00. I walked away feeling more like a winner on that one. All told, there was $42.35 spent on food, but that will last a while.

You have to be ready to take advantage of sale prices when you see them. There was $2.15 that was spent unnecessarily. Since we regularly buy the soda by the can, there is a renewed effort to keep the eyes peeled for the opportunity. So, the total now stands at $47.85 spent thus far since Sunday.

Have a GREAT day!

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