Friday, July 31, 2009

Where Has Summer Gone?

Looking at the calendar, I realize that it is the last day of July and that means that summer is on the downhill side. When I was a band director and teacher, August typically meant the end of summer vacation and the beginning of band camp to prepare for the upcoming marching season. Time has slipped away, and you don't know where it all went.

That's the same thing with your money.

You must keep a constant watch on your credit card spending, or it will creep up on you and before you know it, you have a balance of thousands of dollars and the balance keeps growing and growing and it overtakes your entire life. You struggle to make ends meet, you take a cash advance to pay a bill that is due that you cannot afford, and you drive yourself deeper and deeper into the hell that follows.

That is why I wrote Never Surrender!!, an ebook that can help you to forever eliminate your credit card debt. In there, I discuss many strategies that can be used to use a lifestyle that can free you from the oppression of credit card debt. I know firsthand (as I am sure that you do as well) that credit card debt can make your life a living hell and that it affects all aspects of your life. Check it out, if you want to get out of credit card debt forever.
Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

You Can Take It With You

Whoa. That may be a bit misleading, especially considering what we usually talk about on this blog. This is not a reference to taking money with you into the afterlife (like the ancient Egyptians may have believed), but rather about food.


On one of the rare occasions that I had the late afternoon off, I offered to pick up some of our favorite food and bring it home for supper. They have a signature teriyaki chicken that you can double the meat for $0.99. It is more than enough for two meals. So, I picked up two orders (enough for four separate meals) for $13.02 (including tax) and took it home. We didn't have to pay $1.79 for a soda since we had water at home.

One way to save money (to use for credit card debt elimination) is to either order take out or, if you happen to go out to eat at a restaurant, eat half of what you get and take the other half home. As a younger adult, I rarely ate leftovers. Now, older and wiser, I tend to have them quite often because of the savings that I realize by doing so.

You can do the same. You can save by providing your own drinks and service ware. Food is also easier to reheat thanks to microwave technology. That saves time (and yes, time is money). Save even more by finding coupons and purchasing only with a coupon.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Part V: Conclusion: A Loan? At What Cost?

Let's finish up today by discussing a sneaky way that banks buffer their bottom line. It really isn't a loan, but, in some ways it is: Overdraft Loans. In the past, if your checking account balance was near the zero mark, you wouldn't be allowed to debit your account past zero. It didn't happen. Your transaction would be denied.

Banks got greedy (as we have all been witness to in the recent financial stuff in the news). They will "allow" your transaction to go through. You think that you still have money in your account, but there really isn't. The bank will, of course, assess a fee, say $34, so that you can have the tank of gas. Now you owe the bank $34 that you didn't have. Other checks or transactions will "bounce" too. It may often cost you several hundred dollars for an overdraft as little as $1. Who gets the money?

The bank.

Who gets screwed?


Better to have an extra $100 in your account that you don't intend to spend. Or ask the bank to set the debit overdraw to zero on your account. Whatever you do, be sure to use the "savings" to pay down your credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Part IV: A Loan? At What Cost?

The fourth type of loan that will be discussed will be the use of cash advances on your credit card. This is most definitely NOT the way to lower your credit card debt. The average interest rate on a cash advance on credit cards is 22%. This is up from the average of 19% just four years ago. Add the fees for 3%-5% of the advance amount, and the cost for the money is even higher.

In the past, these have had a double whammy effect. What would happen is this: If you had a purchases balance of $1,000 at 12% and a cash advance balance of $200 at 22%. When you sent in your monthly credit card payment (let's just say $100), your credit card company, in all their greed, would apply that to the purchases balance. Your $200 at 22% would continue to grow untouched until your purchase balance was at zero. If you continued to use your credit card for purchases, you may never get the cash advance portion to disappear.

It is very difficult to rid yourself of this type of balance.

The good news is that the credit card legislation that takes place in February 2010 will make the monthly payment that you send in apply to the highest interest rate balance portion first. Avoid cash advances if at all possible: borrow from your family or friends before you ever venture to whip out your credit card and get a cash advance.

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Part III: A Loan? At What Cost?

Yesterday we looked at 401(K) loans and how they can be both a blessing and a curse. Let's look today at car title loans. You have probably seen the commercials for these loans in which you bring in your car title for loan (yes, you have to actually own your car). The good news is that you can get some emergency cash (and, no, needing some money for the beer party does not constitute an emergency) relatively easily. The bad news is that if you default on the loan, you will no longer own that vehicle.

These loans are for a fraction of what your car is worth: typically, you can get cash for 55% of the value of the car. Say your car is worth $2,000. You could get a car title loan for $1,100. You get to keep the car and make regular payments on this loan. Of course, they can renew it for a fee, but the interest rates on these loans can often run as high as 300%.


That means for the $1,100 you got for your $2,000 car you paid the car title loan place $3,300. That is no bargain. These are loans that you should avoid at any cost, particularly if you are trying to eliminate your credit card debt any time soon.

Have a GREAT day!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Part II: A Loan? At What Cost?

Yesterday it was mentioned that a WalletPop article had mentioned loans that people should avoid if at all possible. Only one was written about yesterday. There are more than just the payday loan, which I am proud to say that I have not taken. The next loan type is a 401(K) loan.

Most 401(K) plans permit the borrower to borrow half of the value of their 401(K), or $50,000 whichever is lower. Basically, you have up to five years to repay that balance, and it is taken out of regular payroll deductions. They usually charge the prime interest rate plus 1%, which is around 4.25% currently. That isn't bad. What is bad is that should you leave your job (or your job leaves you), you have to repay that loan immediately, or you are subject to a 10% early distribution penalty in the eyes of the IRS. Plus, the income tax on the remaining balance because you have had the money withdrawn pre-tax previously and now it is computed in your income.

This move may make sense number-wise, especially if it is used to pay down credit card debt (but you really shouldn't do this). Instead of paying 15-25% to a credit card, you are paying that interest back to yourself. But, in today's economy, is your job stable? Are you likely to continue to have your job? Can you afford the money taken out of your check?

Weigh this option carefully, and have a GREAT day!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Loan? At What Cost?

An interesting article was found at WalletPop about some loans that people take and really should avoid if at all possible. These loans include payday loans. Payday loans are short-term loans that range from $300 - $500. You have probably seen the payday loan businesses set up in a strip mall. Usually, to qualify for a payday loan, you need to have a checking account and a pay stub (or other verifiable income source, like Social Security). You write a check for the amount borrowed plus the interest. The payday loan company will then hold your check. Should you fail to pay the company back, they will cash the check.

The goal is to pay your loan back on your next payday. It would make sense if you have an emergency and had no credit line left on your credit card (which you are hopefully in the process of eliminating). You usually have the opportunity to renew the loan if you cannot pay it back. The problem is that you will be charged a fee anywhere from $10-$100. Continue on this course of action, and you could be looking at 400% interest.

That doesn't make sense.

If you needed to borrow a hundred dollars, that would be similar to doing so, but having a $400 payment due after a year. Not worth it.

Think carefully about taking out a payday loan. There are better alternatives out there, even if it means borrowing money from friends or family (strongly discouraged as well).

Have a GREAT day!

Friday, July 24, 2009

All You Have To Do Is Ask

As the Dave Ramsey show was playing last night, an interesting fact popped up that a large majority of people that ask for a deal usually get it, and he pointed out that sometimes all you have to do is ask. As a part-time cashier at a home improvement store occasionally someone will come through the line and ask if there is a discount available. It is unadvertised, but there are a few things that we cashiers can do, including a 10% competitor discount. The trick is that you have to ask.

That is true when you contact your cellular carrier. Just because there is one price advertised doesn't mean that you are stuck paying that price. Often, just the threat of changing carriers (made easier with number portability) will "magically" make an offer show up. The worst thing that can happen is that you end up paying the full price, but if you didn't ask you would pay it anyway.

It is your money, keep more of it so that you can pay down your credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Credit Card Debt Elimination: Maybe You Should Stay At Home A Little More

When I look back at my finances for the past few years, it is realized how much more money I save by not going out to eat for nearly every meal. True, it does save wear and tear on your dishwater and you save on your water, electricity, and gas by not having your dishes or pots and pans to clean, but those savings are eaten up by the interest, the gasoline for your car, time spent getting ready, etc.

We like a good steak once in a while. When money was a little more free-flowing, we would traditionally go out on Monday nights to a steak house that had a special for a steak, salad, and potato (or rice pilaf) for only $15 (including a soda). Basically, $2o when you include the tip and gas to get there. When you do that each and every Monday, it comes to $1,000 a year...for one. Add 20% interest for the credit card, and you have $1,200 per person. And that is for one meal a week.

Now that we eat at home, we can still have a steak (fixed on the barbecue grill) for two with soda for around $7.00. That is a savings of $33 a week or (with interest) $2,059 saved a year. Makes you think about it.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Saving Money (For Credit Card Debt Elimination) At A Theme Park

My son has a job performing at Six Flags and I got off early yesterday afternoon and went to go see him perform. I was greatly pleased at the performance. I wasn't impressed with the high price of things at the park, however. After spending the afternoon and evening there, I noticed some ways that one could save money at the park.

1. Go In Groups - Parking at the park was $15 a car. Not a party, but a car. If you are going to go there, find out if some of your friends want to go there as well. Carpool and save the money.

2. Pack a Picnic Lunch/Supper - I noticed several families doing this when I was searching for a place to park. I didn't think too much of it until I walked through the park and noticed the high prices for food: A slice of pizza, cheese bread, and a soda for $9.99 + tax. Of course, you could get a souvenir cup with unlimited refills for only $12.99. And I thought that paying $1.25 for a soda to be high. When you pack a picnic supper, you can feed a family of four for roughly the cost of feeding one person inside the park.

3. Buy a Season Pass and Season Parking - that is, of course, if you are going to go often and live within a reasonable commute of the park.

Just because you would like to go to a theme park doesn't mean that you have to break the bank.

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Saving Money By Buying In Bulk

The whole point of this blog has been to help save money so that you can have more money to pay down your credit card debt and so that you can begin to live your life free from the bonds that credit card companies are so good at trapping you with. One thing that will be mentioned (again) is buying in bulk. You can save tremendous amounts of money if you can purchase certain items in bulk.

We have a dog that likes rawhide bones. Sure, she is noisy when she is attacking the bone, but better the bone than shoes or baseboard. We bought a pack of ten of the bones for around $20. That's $2 a bone. If we purchased them at Target they usually are a pack of three for $9.99. It is worth it to buy a bone that would be bought anyway for $1.33 less. One usually lasts about five days or so. But the last time that I went there, I was going for a cheap lunch of pizza and an Icee for around $3. I happened to notice that tortillas were forty for $4.98. I usually pick them up for $3.02 at the grocery store for a ten-pack. We make our own quesadillas an breakfast burritos so they don't go to waste, I would just rather pay twelve cents for one instead of thirty cents. When you have your mind set on saving money, you will notice these kinds of things.

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Credit Card Debt Elimination: Really, Open What They Send You

Continuing on the theme from yesterday, it cannot be stressed enough that you need to read the mail that comes to you. Yes, you are busy. Yes, there seems to be a lot of it, especially when you start to be behind in your payments on your credit cards. Even if you aren't behind...

...Read Your Mail!!

Why? Credit card companies are just money-hungry entities that have one purpose: Separate you from your hard-earned money. Do they care that they have cut back on hours at your job? NO! Do they care that with rising fees and interest rates on the credit cards that you struggle with paying some of your bills? NO! Do they care that you are thinking of skipping meals just to have enough money to put gas in your car to get you to your job that is, in effective, paying you less to do more? NO!!

Often, the mail that you particularly want to notice are the ones that have "Important Information About Your Account" on the envelope. What it usually contains is information that the base interest rate of your credit card is going up for all future purchases. They are required to notify you in writing. I can recall one credit card that I had in the past that was a fixed rate and was going to change to a variable rate that as a percentage above the prime interest rate. It was going to cost me more money. At the time, I had a little bit of money, and I angrily wrote them a letter and paid off the card. And I don't believe for a minute that they had any bad feelings about it. Just be sure to read your mail so you will know what your rights may be.

Have a GREAT day!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Tracking Continues

Grocery shopping and eating at home has certainly paid off. Breakfast was eaten at home (to the delight of the dog) and supper was another cheap frozen pizza from Friday's excursion to the grocery store. It becomes increasingly difficult on the weekends because for years that was always the time that we would go out to eat our meals (and run the credit card bills even higher). You can be on your best behavior, though, an the credit card companies will jack your interest rate even higher.

My wife has stellar credit and she has always used credit cards responsibly (unlike myself). She was known for transferring balances to other cards and the rates would usually be in the single digits for the interest. Smart move. But she recently has had some activity from the credit card company that has been quite disturbing. While her transferred balance rate remains fixed, if she happens to use the card to incur any new charges, the rate that she will be charged is nearly 30%!


Not only that, another credit card has lowered her available credit so that she has a higher debt to income ratio (a unit of measurement that the credit rating companies like Trans Union use to figure your credit score) potentially lowering her credit score. That's a double whammy.

Just be sure to read your statements and mail that the credit card companies send to you. It will make you realize that they are ruthless, greedy companies that don't give a crap about YOU and care about increasing their bottom line more.

Have a GREAT day!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Saturday Supermarket Savings

There was money spent at the grocery store yesterday. Since supper was to be on my own thee was a great deal of conflict as to where or what to have: Should I visit on of my favorite fast food places?...Nah. I knew that the bill would easily run anywhere from $6-$10.

And that was for one meal for one.

I went to the grocery store instead and got $25.59 worth of groceries. You may think to yourself, "what good was that financially to spend $25.59 as opposed to $6-$10?" Simple. there was enough food purchased for approximately 12-15 meals. That is closer to $2 a meal. If you are keeping track, our tab now runs to $150.68, and there is enough food to last until the end of the month (and perhaps even beyond).

Some advocate going to the grocery store only once a month except for the perishables like milk, meat, eggs and cheese. I largely agree. But your can always freeze meat for a short while, so you could get your basic hamburger and chicken and freeze it. Just be sure to use it before your meat develops freezer burn. Keep your eyes open for bargains. When the supermarket was visited last night after work, a noticed that there was a special on the frozen pizza that I like at 4 for $5. Not bad considering that the pizzas are usually $1.89 apiece.

You can save money by always being vigilant for savings like that: savings can quickly add up to give you extra money with which to pay do your credit card debt. Tomorrow we will look at skyrocketing interest rates.

Have a GREAT day!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Credit Card Debt Elimination: Friday

The running tab still stands at $125.09 because there was no eating dinner out (leftovers were had instead) and no bills were due. Life is truly good. As a look back is taken over the last 130+ posts, the habits and life-patterns are starting to solidify for living a debt-free and frugal lifestyle. Shopping habits have now developed to the point that rarely are groceries bought without a coupon (or on the days where the store offers $10 off a total of $50 or more), more meals are eaten at home, and now leftovers are a major staple, especially when dinner is eaten on a rare occasion at a restaurant (and water is the drink of choice).

Perhaps my parents had it right. Leftovers are actually a decent way to stretch your food dollars. My mom used to save plastic containers of every sort (butter, ice cream, Cool Whip) and there could always be found meals in the refrigerator composed of various meals that had been enjoyed earlier in the week. With the advent of microwaves, eating leftovers has become faster and more efficient. Leftovers, for me, used to be viewed with a bit of disdain because once I entered adulthood and didn't live at home anymore, leftovers didn't have any appeal to me.

Boy, was that incorrect thinking!

There is no shame in leftovers. In fact, sometimes leftovers are the best thing. We will usually eat half of what we get at a restaurant and get the rest to go for another meal at a later time. Perhaps you can think of thinks that you can do to save money for your own personal credit card debt elimination.

Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Thursdays and Credit Card Debt Elimination Plans

My wife and I enjoyed a delicious dinner of fillet minon, corn on the cob, fresh-baked bread, and, for dessert, watermelon. At a restaurant it would have easily run up a tab of $50 or more. Total cost?: $12.06. The steak was purchased at a local grocery store, and it was cooked on the grill in the back yard.

Who says that you can't eat like a king for less?

The satellite bill was due yesterday and it was $70.68. It is quite a bit less since we cut out the movie channels (that we didn't have time to watch). The total spent yesterday was $82.74. Since we are keeping track, the total expenses after four days is $125.09. It wasn't just last year that our satellite bill ran that much per month, but after review of our watching habits, we decided that we just needed a few channels. Summertime is baseball, and we like to be able to watch the St. Louis Cardinals, we insist on having Fox Sports Midwest. The cost is an extra $12 a month over regular channel line up, but that is a luxury we will take, especially since we can rarely afford to actually drive the 30 miles and go to a game.

I was doing a bit of research by watching Dave Ramsey last night and was impressed by his straight-forward approach to finances. Too often, people know what they need to do to get out of credit card debt, yet they are unwilling to change their lifestyle. Dave Ramsey advocates making changes to your life, and you can do just that.

I have available my book Never Surrender!! which you can view a preview by clicking on the title in this blog, or order by clicking the button on the upper right side of the web page. I personally guarantee that you can save the cost of the book or you can get your money back. It will assist you in making sound financial choices to forever eliminate your credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Savings Continued, Now Completing The Third Day

In quest to see how much money was spent in day-to-day activities, we have begun keeping track of some of the non-fixed items to see if there are any ways in which money can be saved. Of course, this is just to take those same savings and apply them toward the debt elimination at hand.

Day three there was money spent. Occasionally one has to replenish the perishable items in the food reserve, and yesterday was no exception. We needed milk, bread, and (hangs head in shame at a vice) Diet Coke. I had stopped by Wal-Mart on the way to work (it isn't out of the way, so no "special trip" was made), but the $4.98 for a case of soda was replaced by $7.13 for the same case of 24. I was not happy about that, so I went to my local grocery store and got it instead (for the same price...). I did find and stock up on the cheese that I liked which is normally $3.28 for $1.00. I walked away feeling more like a winner on that one. All told, there was $42.35 spent on food, but that will last a while.

You have to be ready to take advantage of sale prices when you see them. There was $2.15 that was spent unnecessarily. Since we regularly buy the soda by the can, there is a renewed effort to keep the eyes peeled for the opportunity. So, the total now stands at $47.85 spent thus far since Sunday.

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Two Days of Tracking Saving For Credit Card Debt Elimination

It would have been so easy to order a pizza online and have it scheduled to be delivered when I got home from work: my wife was gone on business and it was just the dog and me. The dog always has to have a bit of pizza when we have that. I am a big fan of Papa Johns, but had I done that, it would have cost around $25. Granted, I would have had meals for the rest of the week, but since Little Caesars is on the way home, I could have saved about $16 and only spent nine (including the breadsticks). But, cooler heads prevailed and I fixed something that was in the pantry already. Money spent: $0. So, my two day total expenses now run $5.50.

Impulses are one of the biggest ways that we tend to waste money. We don't even think about it. When you are shopping at Wal-Mart, they count on you picking up the gossip magazine, the pack of gum, the soda, or whatever. Sure, it is only a buck or two and you will enjoy it for a few minutes, but those little expenditures can sure add up quickly. Don't feel bad for the stores either because the items that are strategically placed around the register are high profit items. Out of the machine, a can of soda can cost $0.75, but if you actually plan ahead, you can have the same can waiting at your home in the refrigerator for around $0.22. And the store that sold the case for $4.98 makes a profit. If you bought the case and resold it for $0.75 a can, you could realize a profit of $12.67 or 237.8%. (catch your breath)

Just watch the little things, because they add up to big bucks.

Have a GREAT day!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saving Money For Credit Card Debt Elimination

Spend less than you make. That's a key phrase that will help you to eliminate your credit card debt, allow you to take a ton of pressure off and give you the opportunity to build wealth in your life. In the last few months, we have explored many ways as to how to accomplish that and some of your letters have been inspirational to me and have served as fodder for some columns. Sometimes, you need to take an inventory and see if things are working out for you or not, and that is what we will spend the next bit of time on.

My goal is to spend as little as possible for the next month and will keep track to allow everybody to see how I am doing. Of course, a little public scrutiny will keep the pressure on (in a good way). Fixed expenses like mortgage and utilities won't be listed, but things like gas, groceries, and other variables will be.

One way in which I saved yesterday was that a fairly big (and late) breakfast was fixed at home so there was only dinner to worry about. I (hangs head in shame) had a drive-through lunch at work and spent $5.50. Since it was late in the day, supper wasn't necessary and sufficed on some popcorn on the porch to cool off before bed.

Money spent: $5.50.

We'll keep track, and have a GREAT day!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coupons Savings and Credit Card Debt Elimination

By now, you should realize that using coupons can be a way for you to escalate your credit card debt elimination program. What you may not realize as a big savings, when you add them all up and apply them to your existing credit card debt balances, the savings are astronomical. For example, my wife and I rarely eat out, we usually have something at home. We went out to eat last night and used a coupon. Usually, the bill at this restaurant is around $38.84 (this is for two dinners ,which produce enough leftovers for one meal each, soda, and 20% tip). We used a coupon last night and had water to drink (it is better for you anyway) and our bill with tip came to $26.46. That was a $12.20 savings. Since we tend to eat out on average once a week, that comes to an annual saving of $683.25.

Who said coupons aren't worth the effort.

That is just one example. We use coupons when we grocery shop and rarely buy things at full price. This has helped in credit card debt elimination, especially when we use the saved money to pay a little extra on our credit card. Now I am down to eight credit cards (yes, I had a problem) from thirteen. You can succeed too.

Have a GREAT day!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Credit Card Debt And You: Choices Abound

There doesn't seem to be any one, single path to get to freedom from credit card debt: you can get there by just saving money on your everyday things and pay more on your credit card balances. You can cut up your credit cards so that you are unable to use them. You can cut back to one credit card for emergencies only...the possibilities and solutions are seemingly endless.

You have to find the way that works best for you.

There are countless programs out there as well, each has its own merits. There are regular books, tapes, CDs, e-books and the like. Some programs are very strict in their approach and they state that there way is the only way. I have looked at many of the programs and books and websites out there, and they all have a little something that could be used. That is why I wrote the e-book Never Surrender!! as a way to help you to get out of your credit card debt. Why was the e-book format chosen? It is easily transported from one place to another. You can print it out if you like. There isn't any shipping or packaging costs involved in production, and you can get it at any time without leaving the comfort of your home.

One thing is certain: in order to get out or stay out of credit card debt is to charge/spend less than you bring home. Find a way to do that, and you will be successful in your effort to eliminate credit card debt. Have faith that it can be done, and it shall be done.

Have a GREAT day!

Friday, July 10, 2009

It's Friday, Are You Free From Credit Card Debt?

If you aren't, perhaps your mindset should be that you are free. Yes, the odds may be stacked against you, but you should never give up in your quest. You may have read about the winner of the lottery who has nothing but heartache and despair since. Winning all that money may have been temporarily great, but he even admitted that he wished he'd "torn that ticket up."

Many of the wealthy people in this world are not the ones who drive the fancy cars, live in the Mc-mansions, or have the $50,000 watch: they are probably quietly living a frugal life, not spending money needlessly and making do with what they have. How are you doing?

Have you sat down and figured out what it is that you are spending your hard-earned money on each month? The time invested in analysis of your finances will probably lead you to the answer of why there is so much month left at the end of your money. If you find yourself sighing after paying your bills and just wishing that perhaps next month will be better, there is some news for you: until you get control of your spending and change to where you look for ways not to waste your money, next month will be the same story.

And the month after.

You MUST have the DESIRE and the DEDICATION to make the change. That is why I wrote Never Surrender!! so that I could solidify MY thinking and actions and help YOU to do so as well. I also write on this blog everyday in an attempt to make a difference for you to be able to succeed. And I know that you have that ability to do so.

Have a GREAT day!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

How Can I Possibly Save Any Money?

It is all in your mindset.

In one of my previous lives, the girl that I was dating at the time had a knack for finding four-leaf clovers. When asked, she would simply state that she had the ability to find them because she was looking for them. When I tried, it didn't work. Maybe it was because I didn't believe that any four-leaf clover could be found simply by looking for them, but it didn't work for me.

It all comes down to belief.

You have to have faith that you will be able to do something, and, amazingly, you do. When looking for ways to save money, you will be able to do so. If you believe. If I can find ways to save money every day (which is used in turn to pay down credit card debt) I have every ounce of faith that you can do so yourself. Just turn your mind to finding the simplest of ways. It may be that the next time that you are at the grocery store that you decide to buy a case of soda that is on sale and take a can of soda with you to work. Instead of paying 75 cents at the break room soda machine, you pop open your can of 25 cent soda (they are identical except for the point of service: a machine or the checkout lane of the grocery store). It is these little things that will snowball into bigger things that will free up some serious money for you to make a dent in your credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Wednesday Is A Great Day to Work on Your Credit Card Debt Elimination

Not just on Wednesday, of course, but every day is a great day to work on your plan to save money, pay down your credit card debt, and find ways to live your life more affordably and rewardingly. This is a venture that does require some effort on your part: nobody is going to do all of your work for you. One of the first steps is to sit down and figure out the plan for what you will do. You will need to write down every expense (you may have to track these for a while, but you will get the hang of it after a while) and every source of income that you have.

Have you set aside the time to plan?

There is no time like to present to do so. Just simply set aside a few hours that you can work on this uninterrupted. Once you get into the flow, things will come more easily. Sometimes it is difficult to think of all of the things that you spend money on. There may be the occasional soda at work. Or a candy bar at the gas station where you fill up your tank.

The idea is to write down everything.

You may need some help in getting out of your credit card debt. That is why Never Surrender!! was written: to help you get out of credit card debt. There was not the book when I began my journey, so I wrote it down for your benefit.

Have a GREAT day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

It's Tuesday, How's Your Positive Mental Attitude?

Positive mental attitudes are not just for New Year's Day or Mondays, but for every day of the year. Like a campfire that has a good bed of coals to it, you don't need to have a ten-foot blaze of flames shooting forth at all times, but once the flames have gone down to embers, all you have to do to keep it hot is to add a little bit at a time. Our attitudes are the same. Being "on fire" all the time can be done, but it is work, and can get a bit irritating to those around us.

Instead of going "gang-busters" all the time, add a bit of fuel every day.

* Have a bit of quiet time to reflect each morning or evening before you head to bed to take assessment of where you are and how you are going about to get there.
* Find the good things to think about. If you are tired from working all day, be thankful that you have a job. If you are exhausted from mowing your yard, be thankful that you still have a home with a roof over your house. If your clothes are becoming more snug lately, have a grateful heart that you have plenty to eat.
* Hang around with other positive people. If all you do is hang around hateful, sullen folks, you too will soon become hateful and sullen. Other people can become an influence to you, so choose your friends wisely.

Keep the faith and keep working on getting out of credit card debt because you CAN do it! Have a GREAT day!

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Weekend is Over And It's Back To Work

Did YOU have a good holiday weekend? Some people had and extended weekend for the Fourth of July, some people had to work, and some people had a blend, particularly those that hold more than one job. Today, however, things should be falling back into their normal ebb and flow. A lot of time was spent contemplating what is to be done next in the quest to eliminate credit card debt, and there are, of course, decisions still to be rendered.

Sadly, this holiday weekend saw more people swallowed deeper and deeper into credit card debt: they charged hundreds of dollars of fireworks, they charged at the grocery store for the best cuts of meat, they went out for fancy desserts after the fireworks had nothing left in them, and they woke up this morning with a higher credit card debt and are struggling right now to make a minimum payment.

Don't despair because there is something that can be done, even if you find yourself deeper in debt today than you were on Friday morning. You have to take ACTION! Find a way to pay for something in cash (or without using a credit cad), save some money and earmark that toward a higher payment to the credit card, heck, you can even sell some unwanted things in your home to raise the capital.

But... have to do SOMETHING and do it NOW! Build your strength by starting small and working your way to Independence from credit card use and toward using only the money that you have on hand. Budget so that you don't spend needlessly.

If you need help, you can always pick up a copy of Never Surrender!!. In this ebook, you will find proven strategies to forever eliminate your credit card debt. Many have already saved thousands of dollars, and you could too!

Have a GREAT day!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another Day In The Life of Credit Card Debt Elimination

Sunday is a traditional day of rest for many. That doesn't mean that you can be non-vigilant in your pursuit of the elimination of your credit card debt. You should always be on the lookout for ways to save your hard-earned money so that you can use the "found" money to pay down your credit car debts. You have to remember that when you have $1.00 at 22% interest, if you just make the minimum monthly payments, you may find that the executors of your estate have to use whatever proceeds are left from the liquidation of your estate to pay your creditors. That one dollar may grow to be two, three, even four times the original cost.

Once your credit card debt is eliminated, you should not use that opportunity to incur more debt and forget the money-saving tips that you have learned. Instead, you can now use this money to build your nest egg or purchase the home or car of your dreams. Just don't stop once your have reached the milestone of being credit card debt-free.

If you ever need a resource for assisting you in your quest for credit card debt elimination, you can always turn to the ebook Never Surrender!!. There you will find proven strategies to get you out of debt.

Have a GREAT day!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

We Celebrate Freedom on the Fourth, Are YOU Free?

The Fourth of July has traditionally been a day for Americans to celebrate our independence and the fact that we are free: free to do as we like (within the confines of legality), free to worship how we like, and free to succeed in whatever business we like. Unfortunately, many of us are not free from the credit card debt that dampens our holiday festivities.

It doesn't have to be that way.

There is a way to get out of the credit card debt that shackless you. The very first step to take is to take action. Find a way to save some money and earmark that money to pay down the balance on one of your cards. Call up your credit card company (or companies, if that is the case) and ask for a lower rate. Don't take "NO!" for an answer. Ask to speak to a supervisor or a manager and call back until you get one willing to speak to you on the telephone. Speak firmly, but don't lose your temper. You will find that you get more of what you want by being courteous than by being angry, lous, and hard-headed. I have worked for years in customer service, and I speak from experience. Don't hate the customer service representative because they are just doing the job that they are told to do and make a living.

That is why I wrote the ebook Never Surrender!! that can help YOU to forever eliminate your credit card debt. It is guaranteed or your money back, so what have you got to lose? (Beside the shackles of credit card debt)

Have a GREAT day!

Friday, July 3, 2009

The Frugal Fourth

So, today is not the Fourth of July, but it is a day that the company that I work for during the day gives us so that we can have a three-day weekend. This is actually looking like it is going to be a wonderful day, I don’t have to work anywhere (I am even off from my part-time job) and there is nothing planned. That, of course, doesn’t mean that there is a vacation from the struggle to save money in order to eliminate my credit card debt. We are staying at an RV park (but it isn’t really the traditional RV parks that one saw in the Robin Williams movie), but our cost for the week (we come down on our days off and when we are done working for the day) is minimal: We have brought our own food and soda and we are just enjoying nature far from the hustle and bustle of suburban living or urban working.

Although my book, Never Surrender is complete, time will be spent today refining the landing page. The book gives practical advice and guidance on how to eliminate your credit card debt.

One thing to help you save money (for credit card debt elimination, or survival, as far as that is concerned) is to keep an eye out for the ads for grocery stores. Here in the St. Louis region, there are three large grocery store chains that regularly advertise. Fortunately, we live close to all three and drive by them on the way home from work. When we plan, we try to go to the one that offers $10 off a purchase of $50 or more. I will take a list and keep track to make sure that I get as close to $50 as I can so that the savings is 20%. Look for coupons either in the local paper or even online (like at

Have a GREAT day and a wonderful Fourth of July!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Frugality is NOT The F-Word

In the quest to become credit card debt-free, some (myself included) adopt a frugal lifestyle. They start to find ways to spend less money so that they free up money which can then be used to eliminate their debt. I know that my family has started to use strategies that allow us to enjoy life at a lower sticker price.

Case in point: this is the Fourth of July Holiday weekend (OK, it doesn’t really start until Friday, but who is counting). We have decided to camp at the timeshare/RV park that we got for a steal. Usually the level of membership that my wife managed to nab over the Internet sells for $21,000,but we managed to secure it for much, much less (less than 10% of the full price). We have reserved out spot for two weeks, which, if we had rented a small hotel room for $100 a night would have cost over $2,000. Instead, with the groceries, wood, and accessories, we will walk away with a mini vacation for less than $150. Not bad.

One other thing that we saved on was food. There is a small grocery store/meat market near our home (that is on the way to my day job) which always has an 8 oz. bacon-wrapped fillet for $4.99. I am a big guy and I could easily eat two of those myself, but if I take the time to eat, my wife and I do well just splitting one. (If you are doing the math, it is $4.99 vs. $14.97, a savings of $9.98). It is the little things like that which can save you money. Look for simple ways that you can save money that, in turn, can be used to more quickly get you out of credit card debt.

The sooner you are free, the better you will feel.

Have a GREAT day!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

New Half-Year For Credit Card Debt Elimination

Today is July 1, 2009 and it marks the beginning of the second half of the year. This is a good time for reflection on a checkup on all of your goals. Traditionally New Year's Day is the day that people traditionally do that sort of thing, but perhaps a new tradition is in order for you. After all, there is a goal for many of us to get out of credit card debt. So,

How Are You Doing?

I began the year having $61,960.24 in credit card debt. Today, the number is $54,432.81. Better than it used to be, especially considering that I had to go to court on several of the cards, and there were lawyer's fees and such added in. Having that sort of reality slap you in the face is not a pleasant experience. Today, however, I am seriously meeting with several attorneys to discuss Chapter 13 bankruptcy. I have fought my problem for many years and I have to explore the possibilities. It is not a road that I am traveling lightly.

I fear most hurting the ones that I love the most. I don't want to involve them if I can help it, but something has got to be done. That is why I write this blog, and this blog is both therapeutic to me and also I hope to teach others how to avoid this if at all possible. My parents taught me better, that's for sure, but I never saw them suffer or felt as if we had money issues (and I feel that we must have). I am being as open as possible with my family and hopefully, my son will develop some good spending and saving habits so that he doesn't have the struggles that I have.

Keep up the good fight, I write about it in my ebook, Never Surrender!! and it can help others to get out and stay out of credit card debt.

Have a GREAT day!