Thursday, March 19, 2009

Can You Eliminate Credit Card Debt?

A Challenge.

As this journey has progressed, there have been times that I have asked myself "Can I Eliminate Credit Card Debt?" From the time that I first had a credit card nearly 28 years ago, it was a question that I had to grapple with. It started with a pair of dress shoes that I couldn't really afford at the time (nothing too expensive, just a pair of dress shoes from JC Penney), but I needed for the concert that I was scheduled to perform in with the orchestra. Of course, you had to wear a tuxedo and I managed to use my black suit and white shirt, but I didn't have any black shoes. Granted, I was in the percussion section and nobody in the audience would have noticed that my shoes were brown, but I would have never lived that down, especially since we were going on a weekend tour to different parts of the state. I had just gotten a credit card from JC Penney and decided to get the shoes. They were $50 and I was a poor, newly married college student, but I got them. I was diligent and made the monthly payments on them, but the interest added to the total cost. The cost was $5 a month and it took me nearly 15 months to pay it off. But it never seemed to end. answer the question, "yes". You can eliminate credit card debt. Is it easy? No. But you can.

I have now entered my second year of not using a credit card (although that isn't entirely true, I have kept one department store credit card that I have used to help restore my credit rating, but I have used it for purchasing something that I had the money for, but charged it and immediately scheduled the payment online for my department store card so that it was really like paying cash for it, but it made me look good in the eyes of the credit reporting agencies. I have slowly watched my credit score rise from dismal to poor (it is an improvement, but very slight). I was following the advice of one of the books that I have read. The solution is not immediate, although some techniques have brought me some quick relief.

For More, vist my website.

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