Monday, March 30, 2009

Ramen Noodles Are Not Just For College Kids

I can still remember 25 years ago when I was poor and in college (as opposed to being an adult and being poor). I was living in the dorms, and the dorm did not feed students on Sunday night. Several local establishments made profit on this as they offered all-you-can eat buffets on Sunday evening. Dominos Pizza did a booming business on Sundays. But soon the summer lawn-mowing money ran out and we were forced to find a low-cost alternative. To the rescue came Ramen noodles. Back then you could buy fifteen packs for a buck (now it is more like 8 packs a buck on sale). We were in heaven. We could fill our bellies with cheap food and life was good. But we grew up. We shuddered at the thought of buying Ramen noodles just to save some cash. But now, the analytical mind kicks in. Even if you only had it one night a week, there's money to be saved there. Let's say that a meal costs on average five dollars to fix. If you were to fix just a bowl of Ramen noodles, you could save $4.75 (that's when you purchse them not on sale). If you were to be able to save that at 10% for twenty years, you will have saved $14,364.57. Not bac for one meal a week. For some delicious noodle recipes, you could always go here.

The point is this: sometimes making a small change can build up to big results. The key is to looking long term and keep in mind that the "expensive" dreams are really achievable with just a few moderate changes in everyday habits. It can help you to eliminate your credit card debt.

More at my website.

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