Saturday, June 20, 2009

Are You a Fan of Fans?

The journey to eliminate credit card debt for many involves a trip down the road of saving money, money that is otherwise wasted but, once saved, can be used to pay down the credit card debt. Yesterday we discussed the use of programmable thermostats and how having your house (in the summer) warmer for the times that you are not home can save you lots of fleeting money. Let's take that a step further.

Houses built today are fairly sterile as far a air flow is concerned. I recall opening my window on a warm summer evening and my father turning on the attic fan to draw air into the house and save us from having to turn on the air conditioner. My grandparents had little use for an air conditioner because they used fans to move the air and to keep things cooler, at least they seemed cooler.

Nowadays, we make use of the ceiling fans to keep it more comfortable even though the temperature is higher (again, we are talking about summertime). The breeze that is caused by the ceiling fan fools your body into thinking that it is cooler than it is (technically, it has to do with evaporation of water from the skin, but lets save that for a physics blog). We have become so spoiled that if the temperature isn't 71 degrees at all times, there are complaints of being too hot or too cold. My suggestion is to make use of fans (which use considerably less electricity than do air conditioners) and keep, in the summer, the temperature at a higher level than you would otherwise keep it. Your pocketbook/wallet will thank you for that.

Have a GREAT day!

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