Monday, June 22, 2009

Saving Money In a Way You Don't Think About Often

The quest to save money in order to pay down credit card debt hopefully has you thinking of creative ways to think of saving money. You, of course, know about the use of coupons, watching for the best deal, and even asking stores if they will give you a lower price. You are also beginning to buy some things in bulk when you know the per-item price is lower. One opportunity presented itself a few days ago, and it is realized that this way may not be the way that best works for your particular situation. This is an area that not everybody thinks about and not everybody does. It does for me...


I have the habit of shaving everyday (despite the fact that I have a goatee). I already save money by not purchasing the expensive razors or shaving cream. I figured that I spent$30.55 per year on shaving. You may spend more, but I was using my figures, tax not included. I bought an electric razor. They run in price from $29.99 all the way to $179.99 at the store that I was shopping at during my lunch hour from my weekend job. I erred on the side of lower cost and didn't buy the least expensive one, but I bought one that cost $39.99. I figured that if it lasts for 15.71 months, it will pay for itself. Since there was a two-year warranty on it, I saved $21.11, or $10.56 a month. Had a more expensive one been purchased, it would have taken longer to break even.

Is there something that you could purchase to replace something else that if disposable? Perhaps.

Have a GREAT day!

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