Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Financial wisdom comes from a blend of teachings from my father (which, unfortunately, were largely unheeded) and life experiences of trial and error (or, as Zig Ziglar would say, trial and success). My father is very smart and wise when it comes to money. Money was a bit of a taboo subject in our house and we would rarely talk about it.

I never saw the tough times or ever thought that there was a challenge with money because it was never brought up to anybody.

Looking back, it does sort of make sense. My dad didn't have a credit card when I was growing up: If he didn't have the cash for something right then (and we didn't need it), we simply didn't buy it. Period. There was very little impulse buying. We only went out to eat on kid's birthdays and so special meals were often prepared at home (mom is great about making meals at home). Birthday cakes were made, not bought (although as my brother and I got older, we asked for banana cream pie instead of cake). Presents were not the extravagant kind of gifts that now are more popular, At Christmas, we would usually get one toy and some more practical things like clothes.

Dad lived a frugal lifestyle without coming across as cheap.

I am letting my son see my struggles so that he will know that credit cards can so easily entrap you into paying a lot more for something that you may want, but not necessarily need. I think he sees the message.

Happy Father's Day and have a GREAT day!

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