Sunday, April 19, 2009

And Now For Day Five

Okay, so this post got out a little bit late. The time has rolled now to five days and no grocery shopping. It turned out that milk did not need to be purchased, so the spending for grocery in the past five days stands at zero ($0.00). The savings so far has added up to $41.67. And we are 1/6th of the way through.

Some may be wondering why the infatuation with food. Food is one this that everybody has to have to survive. Most people eat every day whether they are rich or poor. You probably ate today. While everyone has to have food, food represents the one area that savings can be realized from. Name brand food is definitely more expensive that the store brand, but, if it is used as an ingredient (like in a pot of soup or a stew), chances are that you will not notice the difference. Save a buck here, a buck there, and soon you have found the extra money that you need to pay down your credit card debt. If you need more free information, you can always sign up here.

Another reason is that it is easier to maintain a good weight eating things that cost less. It is definitely cheaper to eat at home rather than picking up food at the drive through. It is healthier for you as well. Take the 30 day challenge and see how much money you can free up. This is now money that can be used to pay down debt, save for the future, fund some put-off medical expenses...whatever your heart desires.

To have more money, you simply need to spend less than you make. You can either save money or make more. For ideas, you can always go to my website or even click here.

Here is to your success!

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