Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Eight Is Great

No groceries were bought yesterdy, but money was spent out of the grocery fund. Let there be an explanation presented. We were presented with an opportunity to go to the St. Louis Cardinals baseball game after work, which we gladly did. Lunch was prepared from home, so that part of the day was planned. There was no time for supper, so dinner was purchased at the ball park (sans soda) for $10.50. It was Hardee's (one of my favorites), so on day 8, the total saved on food stands at $53.19, still a respectible amount.

Rarely is the splurge for entertainment used and money was actually saved in the process. Again, an explanation is in order. Because the economy is not as robust as it should be, the powers that be at the St. Louis Cardinals deemed that some money was better than no money and tickets for weeknight games could be purchased at a 10 for the price of 5 offer. In the rising cost of professional baseball tickets, particularly with new stadiums to finance, this is a welcome relief.

You see, you have to be in the mindset to save money because opportunities will present themselves that never have been there before. Now, you will find yourself looking for coupons in the newspaper (if your city still has one), online, and wherever you happen to be. You will develop the attitude of looking for bargains, and because you have more discretionary funds available (even after diligently paying down your high-interest credit cards) to use to save money.

Hold your head up! Success is closer than you think! (visit my website if you please)

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