Friday, April 10, 2009

Take a Long Look

Sometimes you need to look at the big picture. That's a challenge for today's short-sited, instant-gratification-minded individuals. This can help contribute to money problems and quickly increase your credit card debt.

I am somewhat picky on athletic shoes. Some will recall my days as a runner when I would log 30-50 miles in a week. I didn't wear cheap shoes. I believe that a well-constructed shoe will serve you better in the long run (pun intended). Although I don't run now, I still don't skimp on shoes I wear at my second job working as a cashier in a large home improvement store. I personally wear New Balance 621s. They fit well, and my feet are not sore after working an 8-hour shift. The challenge? They cost around $90 when not on sale. A smart thing was done when I decided to comparison shop online at google and shopzilla and I found my shoes for $49.99 a pair. That was a savings of around $40. But there was shipping of $14.99 and that cut the savings down to $25. Not bad, but I knew that I could do better. I finally found a deal that if you bought pair, you could get shipping free at footlocker so I scraped up $149.97 and now I have shoes for three years. In the long term, it saved me some serious money that I could use to help eliminate my credit card debt.

Think long term, and you too could save some serious money that you can use to help you get out of credit card debt. For more, visit my website (currently under a bit of reconstruction).

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