Saturday, April 18, 2009

So Far, So Good

Four days and counting. Today will be the day that some milk will have to be purchased, but so far no grocery shopping. At $8.33 per day for groceries, the potential savings (and subsequent debt pay down) stands at $33.33. And that is only in four days.

When you develop the mindset to eliminate your credit card debt, there seems to be so many little things that can be done to get you to where you want to be. Save a few cents here, clip a coupon there, eat less (and being gravity-enhanced, it is a good thing to decrease your size)...there are so many things that, on the onset, seem trivial and trite, but they weave together to form unbreakable cables of strength that you never knew that you had.

There are occasions that my family goes out to eat. It used to be a daily occurrence, but now, most food is eaten at home. One thing that I know adds up is merely the price of a soda. Twenty years ago, a soda with your meal might be 75 cents, but $1.79 seems to be the going rate, even at McDonald's. With a family of four, it could be $7.16 + tax that could be saved, or, at once a week, it figures to $372.32 + tax. I don't know about you, but I always could use an extra $372. Now I know where to find it.

You are always welcome to visit my website or for a great program to help you eliminate your credit card debt, click here.

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