Sunday, April 26, 2009

Cheaper By the Dozen

It's the name of a popular 2003 remake of a movie. As the name implies, things may be cheaper by the dozen. That is true, but you have to watch and make sure. When saving money for elimating your credit card debt, it may be best to purchase some things in bulk (I will explain shortly). I am attempting to show some simple ways that you can save money so that your hard-earned money will go further and that you can make smart decisions so that you can help eliminate credit card debt from your life.

First, an update: No groceries were purchased yesterday so the twelve day savings now stands at $55.14 (and we have not even reached the halfway point). There will more than likely be an adjustment to the budget for food expenses (a decrease) an a corresponding increase to the budget for eliminating credit card debt!

Now, on to the explanation promised earlier. Let's imagine that you need to buy eggs (eggs are a low-cost food item and are also used in a variety of recipes). The grocery store has three selections: a six-pack for $0.79, a dozen for $1.29, and 18 for $1.67. You hover in the decision because you do go to the grocery store often, so it isn't like they aren't accessible or seasonal. Doing the serious math you can break the cost per egg down to (figures are rounded) to $0.13 (six), $0.11 (12), or $0.09 (18). The cost between each egg is fairly insignificant, but remember that EVERY PENNY COUNTS!! In the world of money, one must be penny-wise. Retailers cound on us to not worry about a few cents. If they have 1,000 customers a day, four cents per customer is $40.00 a day. That means $14,600 a year. And that is just one item.

So, be wise, take the time to do some math (most cell phones have a calculator feature on them) and watch every cent so that it will add up to dollars in savings and you can use those dollars to help eliminate your credit card debt. (Please visit my website)

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