Monday, April 27, 2009

Is Thirteen Unlucky?

Day 13 and now the savings are at $63.47 for the 30 day period. There has only been the need to go to the store for perishables and the excitement builds as the potential savings mounts. Breakfast portrays one of the most important meals of the day, yet it also represents what is normally the least-expensive one. It is a good way to start off your day nutritionally as well as financially. After all, the 30 day goal is to see how much one can save to eliminate credit card debt.

I am not becoming more frugal because I have to: I am beginning to enjoy it because I can. There is a great satisfaction because I am not living as if there is no alternative to being a frugal, money-conscious person, I am starting to gain immense satisfaction knowing that I can live on less, I can save money, and I can demolish my credit card debt which has been suffocating me lo these long years.

Most people drive a car, unlike my father's mother who never drove a day in her life (she didn't need to). One small way that you can save money is something that is often overlooked; your tires. It is important to keep your tires properly inflated because estimates show that that you can cost six cents a gallon. I drive about 300 miles a week. At 22 miles per gallon on my car, my weekly gas consumption is around 13 gallons per week, with a potential savings of $0.81 for the week, or roughly $43 a year. That's $1,075 in 25 years. Every little thing adds up, just be aware of all the ways that you can save so that you can be debt free and financially free faster than you originally though possible.

Have a great day!

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