Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lucky Number Seven

Day 7 of the challenge and a trip was made to the grocery store. So it was for a gallon of milk ($2.98 including tax). That leaves the balance now remaining of money saved so far as $55.35. Not bad for one week. It used to be that a stop would be made for something like a Taco Bell combo meal for around $5.00 when I would get off work from my second job. Not only is it financially healthier to fix something at home, but it is far healthier for the body than a daily meal at a fast food joint.

I have to admit that my parents were right. They raised me to be frugal and we didn't needlessly consume any extras. Money was probably not tight, but we had a budget for everything and unnecessary expenses were nipped in the bud if possible. One point in particular was that groceries were expertly planned and purchased. My brother loved juice, but we were allotted one small glass a day. One of the first things he purchased after he got a high school job at Ken's Pizza, now known as Mazzio's, was a container of orange juice. He poured himself a big glass of that juice and drank it in front of my parents, much to their chagrin.

The case in point is that my parents were brought up to save money where you could, buy only what you needed, sort of a waste not, want not mindset. They tried in vain to instill that in me, and 25 years later, I finally get it. It is better to spend less than you make and I am trying to instill that virtue in those that I come in contact with. Credit card debt can ruin your life both financially and emotionally.

We shall overcome. Please visit my website.

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