Wednesday, April 1, 2009

What's That In Your Bowl?

Food can sometimes be the area in which a person can have the greatest monthly expense, yet, if done with a bit of planning and your eye on the prize of eliminating your credit card debt, can represent the greatest area for savings that can help propel you out of credit card debt. The challenge is that many people are emotionally attached to foods and oftentimes it is with the foods that cost more money. I will admit that breakfast food is one of my greatest weaknesses. As little as ten years ago, it would not be uncommon for me to stop by Hardees or Burger King or McDonalds and grab a "meal" that included a breakfast sandwhich, hash browns, and a soda. Of course, I would supersize that and it would end up costing around $5 a day easily. One might think that it is not too bad a deal to get a meal for $5 for one. Well, simply plug that into a handy calculator (with the interest of course) and out jumps a figure of $22,790.52. Believe me, when things are looked at in the long run, it can be quite the sobering ordeal.

You can go less expensive. It merely takes planning and about fifteen minutes of your time. I have looked at food for what it is: fuel for the body. Here is what I did: I bought a large container of oatmeal and a bag of brown sugar for around $4.00 at the local grocery store. That is enough for one to eat for an entire month. So, that works out to be $24 per month savings. for ten years it could generate$1,040 in five years (no interest in this example) for paying off your credit card debt. And this is just for one year. Now it is known that some people detest oatmeal, but you could find similar saving by making your own breakfast and buying soda in a two litre bottle (on sale, of course). You should ask yourself, "Why am I wasting money by eating at the drive-through? Can I make it myself for less? What are my long-term goals?" To get out of credit card debt, CHANGE YOUR MINDSET!

For a great plan to get out of credit card debt, click here.

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