Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Fifteen and We Are Halfway There

Wow, still going and the savings add up. Now the total stands at $80.14 and the sweet scent of success can be felt. Last night, a pot of black-eyed peas and rice was scrounged up that will make 4 or 5 meals for the next few days. Not only are those items low cost to purchase (they were already in the pantry), but they are low-fat options for taking my lunch to my day job (which solves a couple of issues at one time). If you work at a job which has a refrigerator available that you can take your lunch in and save money, here are some ideas that you could use that will allow you to survive the day without blowing your budget or diet.
* Try making a pot of soup (better, for some reason, in the cooler months of the year). You can find some great recipes out on the Internet such as places like
*There is always the good old sandwich routine. Buy a loaf of bread, a package of lunch meat and perhaps even some cheese. You will be able to make quite a few meals that work out to be less than $1.00 a meal. When I was a kid, we often would be packed a peanut butter or bologna sandwich. Hey, it has worked for people for years.
* Make some casseroles and take the leftovers. I haven't been as good with eating leftovers until the past few years. Who says that a good meal can only be eaten once?
* There is always a bowl of low-cost ramen noodles. There is a wide host of recipes available as well.
* Frozen dinners and pot-pies give another low-cost option. There is no need to spend a fortune when many of the "bargain" meals can run right at $1.00 per dinner (Hint: You need to keep your eyes open for deals at your local grocery store or Wal-Mart. Look online for specials and coupons as well.

Keep up your success and you will find the money that has been mysteriously slipping between your fingers! You can then eliminate your credit card debt.

Have a great day! Visit my website if you like.

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