Thursday, April 2, 2009

Shopping Tips

Believe it or not, there is an art to grocery shopping and saving some serious money (that you can use, of course) to pay off your credit card debt. Since the focus lately has been on food, perhaps some pointers will assist.

* Never shop on an empty stomach. You have a tendency to be attacted to a lot of different things when you are hungry. You might pick up some bakery item (and a little extra weight) or something that you really didn't need, perhaps because something caught your eye (and you thought that advertising didn't work)

* Have a list. One of the biggest money-management mistakes is that you could dash into the store "just to pick up a gew things for dinner" and the next thing that you know, you have a cart that is brimming and full and expensive: it is best to have a list and to stick with it.

* Look high and low. Believe it or not, the best values are not at eye level. Those are the coveted spots for items that have a high mark-up, but are not necessarily the best thing for your wallet.

* Shop later in the day for meat. Often, the meat department will mark down some of their meat if it hasn't moved by four o'clock, They figure that some profit is better than no profit

* Plan your shopping. If you have a favorite grocery store, you probably know how it is laid out. With your list in hand, go only to the areas that you have to go to get the things that are on your list. Walking up and down each and every aisle may be good exercise, but the longer that you are in a store, the more you will buy. Grocery stores count on that.

Remember, the goal of grocery shopping should be to purchase economical foods to fuel you body. You want to save a little bit of money so that you can have more for your credit card debt elimination program. For a great program, click here, or visit my website.

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