Saturday, April 4, 2009

I’m Gonna Wash That….

That was the beginning of a popular song from "South Pacific", a musical from the great Rogers and Hammerstein. Of course, if you are younger, you probably remember if from a popular commercial for some shampoo. We will look at some ways to share on hair care today. There was a time when the cash was a little more flush and I would lay down $10 for a big bottle of Aussie Mega shampoo. I bought it at Sam's Club and because I was buying it in such a large quantity there was a perceived bargain. Twenty-five years later, I realize that it really isn't worth all that. Here are how to save on that and have more money for paying down your credit card debt and continue to eliminate the balances that you may have on credit cards: Purchase some low-cost shampoo such as Sauve. By watching the sales ads carefully, you can purchase enough shampoo for one person for a year for around $5. If there is more than one in your household that you buy for your savings could add up significantly. (Of course use your savings to pay off high interest credit card debt). Have your hair cut by a student at a cosmetology school. They are learning how to cut hair and the prices that they charge for a haircut is significantly lower than a salon, or even places like Great Clips or Fantastic Sams.

I have done one better: I cut my own hair. Of course my hairstyle is simple, I just have a buzz cut that I would walk into the barber shop, tell them "3 on the top, 2 on the sides (referring to the clipper setting) and pay $20 when I left. I purchased my own clippers and, for the last year have cut my own. I didn't go cheap on the clippers because I paid over $160 for the clippers, but I figured it would last me a lifetime, so I didn't mind. after eight months, the clippers paid for themselves and now a haircut only costs a bit of my time and a few cents for the electricity. It is realized that this solution would not work for everybody, but I am just throwing that out there to show that there are a lot of ways to free up extra money to get you and keep you on the rod to living without credit card debt.

For more, go to my website.

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