Monday, April 20, 2009

The Ants Go Marching Six by Six

Now a milestone has been struck: it is now day six of the thirty day experiment to clean out the pantry, fatten the wallet, and eliminate credit card debt (at least it will lower it a bit in the process). We are now sitting on the morning of the sixth day. Since I have to work both jobs today and there is food already prepared for my lunch/dinner, there won't be a need to shop at the grocery store. Savings stand at $50.00.

When you develop the mindset to seriously eliminate your credit card debt and begin to save in earnest, you will find ways to eliminate the excess. One place that is used for a timely source of saving (along with tax advice, freebies, etc.) is There you can find some handy calculators (beside the one provided by David Bach, the Latte Factor). You will find it an easy read and a great source for all things financial. As you become more sensitive to the use of your money and finding sources of ways to save your hard-earned cash, you will begin to notice that there really is a great source of information out there in Internet-land for your having.

Saving money will become more of a way of life and less of a burdon for you. It doesn't have to be a chore, and you will see ways that you used to spend needlessly. No longer will you be a slave to credit cards and rising credit card debt, but, without too much effort, you will be able to live better with what you have.

Here's to a great life!! (Visit my website)

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