Friday, April 24, 2009

A Perfect 10

Wow, one third of the way there and so far, so good. It will take a bit of a ding today because there is one vice that I have (and thank goodness it isn't the expensive habit of smoking): I enjoy a can of Diet Coke in the mornings. I used to buy a bottle of Diet Coke from the local convenience store and waste a buck on there, but now it is a can from a case that I buy occasionally that costs closer to $0.25. That is a savings of $273.75 per year. I am not ready to give up that habit yet, but it may come to that. I know that consumption has been trimmed by at least half.

But we are hear to help you free up money in which to eliminate your credit card debt. Yesterday, we talked about saving with your cellular phone plan. Let's talk about television/cable/satellite spending.

Since the television bill is being paid today, let's talk about television/entertainment spending. Do you need 150 channels and seven channels of HBO and Cinemax. How many movies can you watch at one time? If you are like most people, there are probably a core set of about 4 to 7 channels that you watch on a regular basis. You could easily spend $150 a month on cable or satellite (depending on where you live). I called up my satellite provider and simply asked them if there was any way that I could lower my bill because I was getting a better offer from their competitor. They found me a lower package that got all of the channels that I regularly watch plus I got a three-month free trial of Cinemax. Now, I have a bill of around $70 a month (there are three receivers) and my bill is cut nearly in half. Sometimes, all you have to do is ask. Because competition is so fierce out there, they will be willing (usually) to cut you some sort of a deal.

But, you have to ask.

Keep in touch, look for savings everywhere you go so that you can free up money to eliminate your credit card debt. Please visit my website (I have been challenged to have 1,000 visitors in the next week, just visit is all I ask)

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